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For inquires, please call us: 864-456-7127 (Ware Shoals Manor) | 864-487-0869 (Ivy Grove Residential Center)

Beautiful Things about Aging that Gives Us Surprises

There are a lot of surprising things in this world and aging is one of them. We admit it that even if we have garnered a lot of experiences while working with the seniors, we still react with awe as we spend most of our time providing care and manning our Residential Care Center in Ivy Grove SC.

Harmony Residential Care Center has a lot of share of surprises and we are pleased to know that we will be sharing and verifying with you the ones that serve as a shocker even to the older adults themselves.

So here are the different things about aging that surprise the older adults as listed by WebMD:

  • Crystallized Intelligence
    It is not uncommon for the elderly to be asked for advice regarding all sorts of things ranging from the profession they have been doing to personal things like love. Have you ever wondered why people aging 50 above are so knowledgeable in the field they are in? This is because of what we call “crystallized intelligence.”The reason for this is that these individuals have experienced much in their lifetime and that the things they have learned just come out of them as if these are a part of their being. That is why if a new worker wants answers to a question for his or her work, they will just ring up the veteran.
  • Controlled emotions
    Not all elderly are grumpy and sad old men and women. In fact, a lot of them have mastered their emotions that they no longer react on impulse. Talk about reaching nirvana! Old people are more agreeable and happier. Easily getting angry and frustrated may be a thing of the past.
    One of the reasons why we are called Harmony Residential Care Center is because of our residents. Because they have a good grasp over their emotions, they are capable of living in harmony with one another.
  • Feelings of empathy
    Compared to other times in your life, you are most likely to be in tune with the emotions of other people. Cooperating in a group will not seem to be that difficult anymore. This also enables you to live peacefully with your family members.We are indubitably grateful for the seniors living here in our Residential Care Center in Ivy Grove SC for they are becoming like family. They understand us, caregivers, whenever we are burnt out and they are the sweetest people you could ever meet. They do not act as if they are our bosses; instead, they are our best friends and family members.
  • Changes in taste
    We are not talking about having better or worse fashion tastes. Due to their sickness, allergies ad medications, older adults tend to taste food less. And we do not want them to skip the main meals of the day just because they cannot savor the flavor of the food on their plates.In response to this change, we have been learning together various herbs and seasonings we can add up to their meals in order to spice the cooking up. The fun part about this is that we get to be appreciated by the elderly which in turn, gives us a reason to perform better in caring for them. Nothing beats harder than a warm and sincere compliment.
  • Body clock
    If you were once a night owl during your good old days, you may be surprised to find out that you will get tired easily in the evening and wake up at six in the morning! It may sound impossible and ridiculous in your case but it is indeed true.There are a lot of advantages to this new body clock. One benefit you can get out of it is that you will have a good night’s sleep. Another is that people around you will be inspired to follow your healthy sleeping schedule.

Aging is a beautiful thing we must all embrace and accept. Visit our website at for more blogs relating to aging and caring for the aged.

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